The meeting of the chairman of the University of Kosar with the secretary of the Council on Counter Narcotics

Dr. Mohammad Ali Rabatjezzi, the head of the University of Kosar, met Dr. Ahmed Rivada, secretary of the provincial counter-narcotics council


Dr. Mohammad Ali Rabatjezzi, the head of the University of Kosar, met Dr. Ahmed Rivada, secretary of the provincial counter-narcotics council.

According to the Public Relations Department of Kowsar University, Dr. Mohammad Ali Rabat-ezzi, the university's head of the university, referred to the statistics of the universities of specialist sons and brothers in the world, Koussar University has always been involved in the prevention of social harm, especially the addiction and the effects of leading social drugs. And in this area is one of the cleanest universities in the province.

He continued by presenting a report on the activities of the University of Ko'ars in this regard, the workshops held, the activities of the Center of Young Partners at Kowsar University and sports activities in this field, including numerous sports and student biking programs aimed at reducing social damages and enrichment Students' leisure time is very effective and the scientific approach Dr. Dr Rivada, the secretary of the Counter-Narcotics Coordination Council and the prevention of addiction, praised and appreciated the important issue of social harm.

"The issue of fighting drugs and preventing addiction should be made more on the agenda," Dr Ahmad Riaued, secretary of the Counternarcotics Council said, pointing out the importance of the issue of preventing addiction and the role that universities can play in this regard. The work of universities and educational and research institutions, and practical and practical solutions in this regard.

The secretary of the Counternarcotics Council has proposed the conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Counter Narcotics Coordination Council and the University of Kowsar on the implementation of specialized workshops, the holding of various cultural and sports programs, coaching workshops and various research projects by the University of Kosar He highlighted the level of the province and emphasized the importance of the issue of social harm as a research subject.

In the end, Dr. Arezoo Asghari, head of the university's health and treatment center and student counseling, presented a report on the current status of counseling and preventing social harm at Ko'ars University.