Kosar University of Bojnord

Kosar University of Bojnord as a female academic education icon, is established by emphasizing on honoring the high status of women, the principles of entrepreneurship, and women's employment and education, as a true mission. This university benefits from advantages such as the only female university in northeast of the country after Al-Zahra and the second female university of the country.

It is the first females' comprehensive university in the northeast of the country and the first females' special university after the glorious Islamic Revolution.

Kosar University, located in Bojnord, the capital city of North Khorasan Province, was established in 2012, starting its mission by admitting students to start in seven graduate programs The University instituted its Faculty of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, and Faculty of Engineering Sciences in the same year and admitted 176 women students to proceed for their bachelor's degrees. Currently, the university has about 60 faculty members, more than 3500 students and 21 undergraduate and graduate programs is to serve the academic community. Kosar University of Bojnord by applying high profile faculty members is capable in various domains and could have great achievements in many fields of science, research, culture and sports only in six years. The present organizational structure of the university is formed of Presidency, Vice Chancellorship for Education and Research, Vice Chancellorship for students' Affairs, Vice Chancellorship for Administrative and Financial Affairs. The University has plans for further academic, research and cultural expansion and the cause promises new, well-to-be developed prospects.